Always have cash on you and extra to be safe Ticket checkers can charge you a hefty fine if you get caught, even if you’ve bought your tickets but forgot to validate them. Validating your tickets during a train ride is your responsibility, so make sure to pay and validate your ticket at all times by punching it in the machine. Many tourists are caught off guard by Germany’s transport ticket system and its lack of security. Make sure to pay and validate your train/metro/bus/tram tickets To make your trip go smoothly without any problems, we’ve compiled a list of valuable things you need to know before travelling to Germany. Germany is a beautiful country like no other, from efficient transport systems to mouth-watering cuisine and affordable beers, you’ll have a memorable time during your stay.
Read Moreīefore you pack your bags and take the next flight to Germany, it’s always a good idea to learn a bit about local customs and travel etiquette for your trip.
It’s right next to the ski lift which takes you right up to the ideal location for practising your skills, allowing you to ski all the way back down to your accommodation! This is the kind of thing we would recommend looking for to get the most out of your holiday in the region. For example, Chalet Genepy is one of a handful of large Catered Ski Chalets which is large enough to accommodate up to 13 people. We’ve managed to locate some real hidden gems that are a little more traditional and different compared to the newer, tourist-focused accommodation you’ll find across most ski resorts. One of your best options if you’re considering staying here is to opt for luxury catered ski chalets, and La Plagne offers some of the best you’ll find. The Paradiski area comprises of both La Plagne and Les Arcs, two neighbouring resorts forming a single ideal destination for ski holidays in France. In fact, the entire valley is known as one of the most spectacular locations in Europe for skiing. Set in the perfect location for snowy natural ski slopes, the whole area is surrounded by picturesque mountains as far as the eye can see.
In the popular Savoie region, you will find the breathtaking French ski destination La Plagne.